November 2, 2024
I – Honesty in actions and wordsN – Noble virtue, steadfast and trueT – Trustworthiness in all we doE – Ethical principles guide our wayG – Genuine in our intentionsR – Respect for ourselves and othersI – Inner strength of moral characterT – Transparency in thought and deedY – Yearning for a world of integrityStrive to embody the essence of Integrity in your everyday life 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
#PushingPositivity#PositivityEnthusiast#Integrity #Writer✍🏾
November 2, 2024
“Forgiveness is about empowering yourself, rather than empowering your past.” – Bishop T.D Jakes.Everyone has the power to forgive, however, not everyone can find it in their hearts to forgive. Unforgiveness is a state of mental and emotional distress. It creates cold-heartedness, bitterness, and resentment. The longer you hold onto the worse your emotional storm becomes. On the other hand, forgiveness is accepting that something happened and that something was not okay.Acknowledge the hurt don’
November 2, 2024
🌟 Fearless 🌟F – FierceE – EmpoweredA – AmbitiousR – ResilientL – LimitlessE – EmpoweredS – Strong-willedS – SteadfastFear can sometimes hold us back from pursuing our dreams and reaching our full potential. But today, let’s challenge ourselves to be fearless!! You Got This 💪🏾🙌🏾#PushingPositivity#PositivityEnthusiast#FearlessFriday #ConquerYourFears #EmbraceTheUnknown #GrowthMindset #BeFearless
November 2, 2024
“Limitations Live Only In Our Minds. But If We Use Our Imaginations, Our Possibilities Become Limitless.” – Jamie PaolinettiIn a society that often glorifies the idea of being limitless and pushing oneself to the extreme, it is important for us to recognize and embrace our limits. It is through acknowledging and working within our limitations that we can achieve greatness and reach our full potential. Through my writing, we will explore the concept of embracing our limits in order to become lim
November 2, 2024
Many of us have allowed others to dictate our day-to-day lives, sometimes even our futures. Mainly because of their opinions and views of who we are. So we walk around wearing these masks as a protective shield to hide who we are. However, I’ve learned that living this way gives others the power over your happiness. There was one point and time in my life when I was so fixated on being everybody else but me. Allow me a moment to elaborate. I conformed to what others thought “I should be because
November 2, 2024
Have you ever marveled at the extraordinary capabilities of the human brain? The concept of neuroplasticity, also known as brain plasticity, is a fascinating testament to the brain’s remarkable ability to change and adapt throughout our lives. It’s like having a superpower that allows us to rewire our brains, form new connections, and overcome challenges in ways we never thought possible.For years, the belief that the brain was a static organ once we reached adulthood held sway. But recent resea
November 2, 2024
Imposter Syndrome, often referred to as the monster within, is a formidable adversary that lurks in the shadows of our minds, casting doubt on our abilities and achievements. This insidious phenomenon can rob us of our confidence, hinder our progress, and prevent us from reaching our full potential. However, by confronting and defeating the monster imposter within, we can reclaim our self-worth and thrive in both personal and professional endeavors.The first step in overcoming the monster impost
November 1, 2024
Sometimes life knocks you down. It has its ups and downs twists and turns like a roller coaster, never knowing what to expect you just hold on and prepare for the ride.
Getting knocked down doesn’t equate to life being over in fact you can begin again. It’s inevitable that at some point life is going to knock you down, however, to stay down or get up and move forward is a choice. Stand up reset, reignite, recharge, and restart.Starting over is never an easy task—I’ve started over so many times