Lynn Buettner
November 2, 2024
Peace to me means accepting what is. When we look for something better, richer, and more amazing we are not present for what we already have.I am keeping this post simple so you may ponder what this means to you. How can you be more peaceful in your own lives?The other day a woman was frustrated in the outdoor pool I swim in because two people turned her down to share their lanes. When she asked me and I said sure she was relieved. We got talking and in the end, I said to her “Sometimes we have
November 2, 2024
My very first grandbaby has just been born on June 18. His name is Oliver or Ollie for Short. I absolutely love the name and he’s a total sweetie. He came out looking beautiful. I’ll post a picture or a couple if I can. Being a new Grammy is a new experience for me. I haven’t actually met the baby yet, but I’ve seen lots of videos calls in San Francisco.So perpetuating the family line is really unique experience. It made me cry once I knew the baby was born. I think I cried because I love that y