Giving Yourself Permission

Many of us have allowed others to dictate our day-to-day lives, sometimes even our futures. Mainly because of their opinions and views of who we are.

So we walk around wearing these masks as a protective shield to hide who we are. However, I’ve learned that living this way gives others the power over your happiness. There was one point and time in my life when I was so fixated on being everybody else but me. Allow me a moment to elaborate. I conformed to what others thought

“I should be because I didn’t want to disappoint anyone, and I feared being judged.

Interestingly enough, they did it anyway. So why was I fearful about what people thought?”

We all know why; it was that disease-to-please mindset I once had, emphasizing the “once had.” I realized that I could only live my life for me and that another’s opinion of me is their opinion. Boldly taking back my power and permission provided a peace of mind that is priceless.

When you become so fixated on how others view or their opinion of you, you surrender! You surrender your time and, most importantly yourself. It would be best if you permitted yourself to be who you are, no matter how that looks. You only get one shot at life, so why be concerned about another’s limited beliefs about you?

Rewrite your narrative, boldly take back your power, and be you authentically!


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