The “frequency” of leadership

Have you ever stopped to consider what the frequency is of your leadership?

By frequency, I mean the energetic vibrations our leadership transmits, which greatly influence our impact and effectiveness with those around us.

Of the 12 Universal Laws, the second one, The Law of Vibration, teaches us that everything — everything — is energy at the quantum level.

What this means is the way we are in the world, the way we speak and interact and move and think… all of it has a specific vibrational energy, and whatever energetic frequency we’re operating from will magnetize to us people, experiences, insights, creativity, abundance, and so on that are at the same frequency.

If we believe people can’t be trusted, we’ll attract more people who are untrustworthy to us.

If we focus on what’s not working, on where those we lead are falling short, or on what’s missing, we’ll simply get more of those.

Our work as leaders, then, is to raise our vibrational energy consciously and intentionally.

This begins with self-awareness and self-reflection, by examining the thoughts, beliefs, and emotions that shape our energetic frequency.

For example, if we’re constantly thinking about how we want to have better results from those around us, we’ll only get more of wanting better results.

Wanting and wishing are tricky elements in this because they are always positioned in the future.

Saying we want more money, more influence, more status, more whatever only means we’ll get more wanting, and not more of the thing itself.

It creates a cycle of constantly kicking the can of high vibrational-energy further down the road.

The goal we seek never arrives because it’s stuck in the energy of lack.
Instead, the key is to think, speak, act, and create the good feelings we know we would experience if the things we want to manifest have already happened or are happening now.

Additionally, we can pay attention to the vibrations of those around us.

If you aren’t sure what I mean here, simply notice how you feel around certain people – if you feel good, happy, light, and expansive, then chances are you around somebody with very high vibrational energy.

On the other hand if you feel unstable, unhappy, heavy, low, or contracted around someone, then that’s a good indication this is a person to avoid.

In certain circumstances it’s not always possible to completely avoid some people, but if we’re aware of what’s going on energetically, we can work to minimize our exposure to their negative influence on us.

And finally, leading with integrity and alignment with our core values is essential for maintaining a high vibrational frequency.

When our actions align with our beliefs and intentions, we emit a powerful energy that resonates with authenticity and truth.

This integrity not only strengthens our leadership impact but also fosters trust and credibility among those we lead.

In essence, by understanding and leveraging the Law of Vibration in order to make the most of our leadership frequency, we can create extraordinary outcomes for ourselves and those we have the privilege to lead.

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