Operation Doggy SOS: The Leaving the Room Without Them Drama

Today, I realized just how much my dogs are like living medical alert necklaces. The moment I leave their sight and close a door, they send off a high-pitched alert squeal, making sure everyone knows I might be in danger. It’s as if they’ve decided that any room I enter without them automatically becomes a danger zone. They have no proof, of course, but boy, are they thorough with their safety routine. Every time I close a door, I can almost hear them shouting, “SOS! She’s gone into the unknown!”

It’s both hilarious and kind of sweet how seriously they take their job as my protectors. They’re so committed to making sure I’m safe, even if it means giving up their nap just to check that I’m not in danger. I can’t help but laugh at their dramatic level of concern, knowing it’s all out of pure, unconditional love and loyalty.

When I stop and think about it, I can’t help but feel so thankful for my dogs. Sure, their constant watchfulness can be a little “Single White Female” stalker-like, but it just reminds me of the beautiful bond we have. They keep life interesting and full of unexpected moments of laughter and affection.

At the end of the day, their heightened sense of danger and those ear-piercing alerts are just part of my life with these dog babies. Sure, it drives me a bit nuts sometimes, but honestly, I wouldn’t change a thing. Their dramatic reactions show just how much I mean to them. Every closed door is an adventure, and every time I come back, it’s a huge celebration. Life with them is never dull, and for that, I’m grateful.

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